50 Daily Use Questions in English

50 Daily Use Questions in English

  1. Are you coming?
  2. Did you call me?
  3. Do you know?
  4. Do you understand?
  5. How are the children?
  6. How do you do?
  7. How much time will it take?
  8. How old are you?
  9. How is the family?
  10. Is the man in?
  11. May I accompany you?
  12. May I go?
  13. Shall I bring it?
  14. What are you looking for?
  15. What do you do?
  16. What has happened?
  17. What is the matter?
  18. What is the reason?
  19. What is the trouble?
  20. What is your name, please?
  21. What shall I do for you?
  22. What’s the news?
  23. When did you come?
  24. When shall we meet again?
  25. Where shall we meet?
  26. Who is coming?
  27. Who is it?
  28. Why didn’t you come?
  29. Why didn’t you go earlier?
  30. Why have you left your studies?
  31. Why is the road closed?
  32. Will you do a thing?
  33. Won’t you go?
  34. What next?
  35. When will you go?
  36. How is she?
  37. Should I bring it?
  38. Who are they?
  39. Where do you want to go?
  40. Why are you tired?
  41. What will I answer?
  42. How to dance?
  43. Why him?
  44. Why are you coming to my office?
  45. What do you do in free time?
  46. When did you come?
  47. Where to sleep?
  48. Who is your friend?
  49. Do you understand?
  50. What kind of work can you do?
  51. What do you want?
  52. Why you?
  53. Why are you going to Dhaka?
  54. How is your family?
  55. Shall I begin?
  56. Where to sit?

Fill in the Blanks with Wh-Words

50 Daily Use Questions in English

  1. ______ you?
  2. ______ is the road closed?
  3. ______ him?
  4. ______ have you left your studies?
  5. ______ didn’t you go earlier?
  6. ______ didn’t you come?
  7. ______ are you tired?
  8. ______ are you going to Dhaka?
  9. ______ are you coming to my office?
  10. ______ is your friend?
  11. ______ is it?
  12. ______ is coming?
  13. ______ are they?
  14. ______ to sleep?
  15. ______ to sit?
  16. ______ shall we meet?
  17. ______ do you want to go?
  18. ______ will you go?
  19. ______ shall we meet again?
  20. ______ did you come?
  21. ______ did you come?
  22. ______’s the news?
  23. ______ will I answer?
  24. ______ shall I do for you?
  25. ______ next?
  26. ______ kind of work can you do?
  27. ______ is your name, please?
  28. ______ is the trouble?
  29. ______ is the reason?
  30. ______ is the matter?
  31. ______ has happened?
  32. ______ do you want?
  33. ______ do you do?
  34. ______ do you do in free time?
  35. ______ are you looking for?
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