99 English Questions for Beginners

99 English Questions for Beginners: Do you not speak English at all? Then learn English from the zero level. This class will help you a lot in speaking English. Today I will teach you 99 English questions that are always needed when speaking English. Means today you will learn how to ask questions in English. These will help you speak English fluently. Because to speak English you have to ask questions. So you must know these questions. Once you learn these – you will easily learn to ask many more questions in English by yourself. By learning these you will not have any problem in asking questions in English. So let’s begin –

Daily Use English Questions

99 English Questions for Beginners:

1Do you want to go?
2How long it will take you to come?
3How about you?
4Where to go?
5Who is he?
6Why him?
7Why so?
8How was your day?
9Are you married?
10Who is next?
11Why them?
12When to sleep?
13What to know?
14What’s up these days?
15When will you go?
16Who is there?
17When to laugh?
18Whom to meet?
19What to study?
20Are you single?
21Why to go?
22What about?
23Where are you from? 
24How about your work?
25How to start?
26Where to study?
27Anything else?
28For what?
29What is it all about?
30Is everything ok?

Questions for Beginners

99 English Questions for Beginners:

31How to go?
32What to cook?
33How are you feeling now?
34What would you like to have?
35Where to sleep?
36Where to sit?
37What to say?
38Are you upset?
39Why are you studying English?
40Did you like the food?
41Who is it?
42What’s up?
43What about him?
44Are you feeling tired?
45How to dance?
46When to go?
47Who sent you?
48What brings you here?
49What is the problem?
50What is that?
51When to speak?
52Who now?
53What do you want?
54Who am I?
55What to see?
56How are you?
57How was the party?
58Are you learning English?
59Why us?
60What else?

Most Common Questions

99 English Questions for Beginners:

61What to taste?
62What to do?
63How is your health?
64Where to live?
65How far is your home?
66What is your intension?
67Who is that fellow?
68Who are they?
69Why not?
70Why don’t you listen?
71Did you like the party?
72Where to stay?
73Why me?
74What do you like?
75How much money did you spend?
76What do you do?
77What is the matter?
78Whom to send?
79Whose is this?
80Since when?
81What next?
82Did you like the movie?
83Where to play?
84Why now?
85Why you?
86Then what?
87Do you need any help?
88When to eat?
89So what?
90Where do you live? 
91Who are you?
92Who is laughing?
93For whom?
94Then when?
95How is your family?
96What if?
97When will you come?
98What do you do in your free time?
99What now?
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