50 Daily use English Sentences – Spoken English

The post is about 50 Daily use English Sentences valuable information but also try to cover the following subject:
English sentences used in daily life
English speaking practice
English Speaking Course

50 Daily use English Sentences English sentences used in daily life

Do you want to speak English fluently? Then start learning short sentences every day from today. Especially the sentences we have to use every day. Today I will share 50 sentences that will help you to speak English faster.

1 . Are you comfortable?
2 . Be careful.
3 . Can you do me a favor?
4 . Do you go to Delhi often?
5 . Do you need anything else?
6 . Everyday I get up at 6 a.m.
7 . Have you been to London?
8 . Here you are.
9 . How does it taste?
10 . How much do I owe you?
11 . I can’t hear you.
12 . I have a headache.
13 . I need to practice my English.
14 . I want to show you something.
15 . I’d like to rent a Taxi.
16 . I’m 25.
17 . I’m married.
18 . Is it close?
19 . Is this the bus to Mumbai?
20 . It’s a quarter past ten.
21 . Just a little.
22 . My name is Smith.
23 . On the right.
24 . Please write it down.
25 . Take this medicine.

50 Daily use English Sentences Spoken English sentences everyday 01

English sentences used in daily life

26 . That’s not fair.
27 . There are many people here.
28 . Try it on.
29 . What do you do for work?
30 . What time did you go to sleep?
31 . What’s wrong?
32 . When is the next bus to Kashmir?
33 . Where is my phone?
34 . About 50 kilometers.
35 . Are you sure?
36 . Can I have the bill please?
37 . Can you read this for me?
38 . Do you have anything cheaper?
39 . Do you know how much it costs?
40 . Do you think it’s possible?
41 . From time to time.
42 . He likes it very much.
43 . He’s very annoying.
44 . His son.
45 . How long is it?
46 . How tall are you?
47 . I don’t speak English very well.
48 . I haven’t finished eating.
49 . I like Italian food.
50 . I think it’s very good.

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