Daily use short sentences – English Speaking Practice

Daily use short sentences

The post is showing 65 Daily use short sentences with Questions and Answers valuable information but also try to cover the following subject:
Daily use English sentences
Daily use English Phrases
Daily use Questions and Answers

Daily use short sentences: Can’t you speak English? Then start practicing these from today. Today I will teach you some short sentences. Sentences that you can use every day while speaking English. These are all selected sentences. So, these sentences will help you a lot to speak English. With that I will teach you some selected questions and answers. If you know these, you can definitely speak English.

Is it possible?
– Absolutely possible.

Is your brother here?
– Yes, he is here.
– No, he’s not here.

What do you think?
– I think it should be done.

When does the game begin?
or, When will the game start?
– It will start shortly.
– It will start a little later.

What’s your last name?
– My last name is Roy.

When would you like to meet?
or, When do you want to meet?
– I’d like to meet you at night.

Is there a doctor?
– Yes, there is.

Are you alone here?
– No, I stay with my parents.

Can you give me a good hotel address?
– Yes, of course.

Do you have an appointment?
– Yes, I have.

Do you smoke?
– No, I don’t.

Have you finished studying?
– Yes, done.
– Yes, I have finished.

How long does it take by car?
– It takes about an hour.

How much is this?
– Only 10 dollars.

Is it raining now?
– Yes, it is raining now.

How long will you stay?
– I will stay here only 10 days.

Have you ever eaten soup?
or, Have you ever had soup?
– Yes, I ate chicken soup once.

Daily use short sentences

Practice these questions and answers well. Because with these you can create many more questions and answers. Which will help you speak English faster. Let’s learn a few daily use short sentences –

  • Please excuse me for arriving late.
  • He is a mason.
  • I don’t have enough money.
  • I have one in my house.
  • I can speak three languages.
  • If I had a house too.
  • I’ll buy more if you like them.
  • I’m allergic to eggs.
  • I’m allergic to cats.
  • It’s close to the market.
  • Let’s go.
  • My wallet is stolen.
  • Open the door.
  • See you later.
  • That’s too late.
  • There’s a bank near here.
  • Turn right.
  • Call the police.
  • He’s coming soon.
  • I don’t have time right now.
  • I have a headache.
  • I still have to buy a lot of things.
  • I’d like a map of the city.
  • I’m American.
  • I’m not ready yet.
  • The place is north of here.
  • Let’s go out for a walk.
  • Near the bank.

If you want to learn English, you have to practice regularly and learn new daily use short sentences. Otherwise, it is not possible to speak English. Because the practice is the key to success. So, practice regularly. Stay well and keep learning English with me.

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