200 Opposite words A to Z – Antonyms

Opposite words a to z

  • Ahead – behind
  • Careful – careless
  • Depart – arrive
  • Fertile – barren
  • Hit – miss
  • Little – big
  • Question – answer
  • Solid – liquid
  • Useful – useless
  • Beginning – end
  • Conquer – fail
  • Entrance – exit
  • From – to
  • Kind – mean
  • Miserable – happy
  • She – he
  • Sweet – sour
  • Win – lose
  • Bald – hairy
  • Complete – incomplete
  • Easy – hard
  • Frequent – infrequent
  • Inside – outside
  • Maximum – minimum
  • Send – receive
  • Summer – winter
  • Wide – narrow
  • Always – never
  • Cease – begin
  • Different – same
  • Fiction – fact
  • Husband – wife
  • Long – short
  • Raise – lower
  • Spend – save
  • Vacant – occupied
  • Abundant – scarce
  • Black – white
  • Cruel – kind
  • Expensive – cheap
  • Genuine – fake
  • Hard – soft
  • Last – first
  • Most – least
  • Sink – float
  • Tame – wild
  • Tough – tender
  • Yes – no
  • Antique – modern
  • Certain – uncertain
  • Dirty – clean
  • Find – lose
  • Idle – busy
  • Loose – tight
  • Raw – cooked
  • Start – finish
  • Vanish – appear
  • Antonym word list
  • Cheerful – sad
  • Discourage – encourage
  • Finish – begin
  • Illegal – lawful
  • Lose – find
  • Reward – punishment
  • Stationary – movable
  • Victory – defeat
  • Asleep – awake
  • City – country
  • Disgrace – honor
  • First – last
  • Imaginary – real
  • Lost – found
  • Right – wrong
  • Stay – go
  • War – peace
  • Advance – retreat
  • Break – fix
  • Dead – alive
  • Fancy – plain
  • Hide – show
  • Length – width
  • Private – public
  • Smart – dumb
  • Under – over
  • Attack – defend
  • Closed – open
  • Drunk – sober
  • Floor – ceiling
  • Import – export

Most common Opposite Words

Opposite words a to z

  • Loud – soft
  • Rough – smooth
  • Stop – go
  • Weak – strong
  • Aunt – uncle
  • Cold – hot
  • Dry – wet
  • Foolish – wise
  • Imprison – free
  • Love – hate
  • Rural – urban
  • Straight – crooked
  • Wealth – poverty
  • Authentic – imitation
  • Combine – separate
  • Dwarf – giant
  • Forget – remember
  • Include – exclude
  • Lower – raise
  • Sane – insane
  • Stranger – friend
  • Wet – dry
  • Beneath – above
  • Cool – warm
  • Exciting – dull
  • Gain – loss
  • Knowledge – ignorance
  • Moist – dry
  • Shrink – expand
  • Swift – slow
  • Work – play
  • Beg – offer
  • Contract – expand
  • Evil – good
  • Front – back
  • King – queen
  • Mix – sort
  • Shout – whisper
  • Sweet – sour
  • Winter – summer
  • After – before
  • Brother – sister
  • Death – life
  • Fat – skinny
  • High – low
  • Less – more
  • Prohibit – allow
  • Smile – frown
  • Unique – ordinary
  • Against – for
  • Buy – sell
  • Deep – shallow
  • Fat – thin
  • Him – her
  • Literal – figurative
  • Push – pull
  • Soft – hard
  • Up – down
  • Above – below
  • Best – worst
  • Country – city
  • Exhibit – conceal
  • Gather – scatter
  • Guilty – innocent
  • Known – unknown
  • Morning – evening
  • Sick – well
  • Take – give
  • Together – apart
  • Worthless – valuable
  • Accept – refuse
  • Borrow – lend
  • Dangerous – safe
  • Exterior – interior
  • Give – take
  • Harmony – discord
  • Laugh – cry
  • Permit – forbid
  • Sit – stand
  • Tardy – early
  • Triumph – fail
  • Young – old
  • All – none
  • Catch – throw
  • Destroy – create
  • Few – many
  • Hungry – full
  • Lock – unlock
  • Quick – slow
  • South – north
  • Usually – rarely
  • Accidental – intentional
  • Bottom – top
  • Dark – light
  • Extinguish – ignite
  • Graceful – clumsy
  • Harsh – mild
  • Lazy – industrious
  • Polite – rude

Antonyms Words in English

Opposite words a to z

  • Slavery – freedom
  • Temporary – permanent
  • True – false
  • Admit – deny
  • Brave – scared
  • Day – night
  • Fall – spring
  • Heavy – light
  • Left – right
  • Positive – negative
  • Small – large
  • Unbreakable – fragile
  • Beautiful – ugly
  • Condemn – praise
  • Empty – full
  • Friend – enemy
  • Joy – grief
  • Merciful – cruel
  • Sharp – dull
  • Sun – moon
  • Wild – tame
  • Absent – present
  • Bitter – sweet
  • Crooked – straight
  • Exit – entrance
  • Generous – stingy
  • Happy – sad
  • Large – small
  • Morning – night
  • Simple – complicated
  • Tall – short
  • Top – bottom
  • Wrong – right
  • Bad – good
  • Come – go
  • East – west
  • Forward – backward
  • In – out
  • Man – woman
  • Selfish – unselfish
  • Strong – weak
  • White – black
  • Accurate – incorrect
  • Boy – girl
  • Daughter – son
  • Fail – succeed
  • Grin – frown
  • Healthy – sick
  • Lead – follow
  • Poor – rich
  • Slow – fast
  • Thaw – freeze
  • Ugly – pretty
  • Awake –  asleep
  • Comedy – tragedy
  • Early – late
  • Former – latter
  • Increase – decrease
  • Majority – minority
  • Seldom – often
  • Strengthen – weaken
  • Whisper – yell
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