80 daily use sentences

80 daily use sentences: Today I will teach you some very common English words and their usage. Words will seem easy to you today, but there are many people, especially those who are learning new English, who make the mistake of using these simple English words. Moreover, just knowing the words, you can no longer speak English. For that you need to know how to make sentences with words? This means you need to know how to use the words in sentences. Only then will you learn to speak English fluently.

Today I will teach you how to use words in sentences. Besides, today I will teach you some sentences that are used every day when speaking English. If you know these words and sentences you will quickly learn to speak English. At the same time you will learn to create new sentences by yourself. It will improve your English a lot.

English Speaking Practice Sentences

This post is presenting 80 daily use sentences valuable information but also try to cover the following subject:
-English Sentences used in Daily life
-English speaking Practice
-Daily use English Sentences

This is my bike.
I’ll do my best.
He is my brother.
It’s now my turn.

I bought this for myself.
I traveled by myself.
Let me introduce myself.
I built this doghouse by myself.

This is our car.
Let’s clean our room.
He accepted our offer.
Will you join our club?
I am the tallest in our class.

This office is ours.
That house is ours.
Which table is ours?
He’s a friend of ours.
Ours is a huge country.
Your trains are different than ours.

We do our work ourselves.
We must rely on ourselves.
We walked home by ourselves.

Useful Sentences for Daily use

What is your name?
Open your eyes.
Wash your face.
How was your day?
Is this your bike?

This phone is yours.
Is this book yours?
Is he a friend of yours?
My opinion differs from yours.
My camera is different from yours.

You do it yourself.
Believe in yourself.
Try it out yourself.
Did you study by yourself?
You should take care of yourself.

Him – (male)
Call him now.
I saw him.
Do you know him?
Did you invite him?
You can trust him.
You can rely on him.

Himself – (male)
He did it himself.
He burned himself badly.
He repaired his watch by himself.
He has great confidence in himself.
He looked at himself in the mirror.

Her – (female)
This is her book.
Do you know her?
Her eyes are blue.
I’m walking with her.
I saw tears in her eyes.
I fell in love with her.

Hers – (female)
This phone is hers.
Is this his or hers?
That car is hers.
Those photos are hers.
I’m a big fan of hers.

Herself – (female)
She did it herself.
She tried it herself.
She herself helped him.
She must be very proud of herself.

Daily use English Sentences

It is possible.
Don’t touch it.
Give it to him.
Can you find it?
Leave it to me.
What time is it?

Its color is nice.
Every bird likes its own nest.
A tree is known for its fruit.
You can’t judge a book by its cover.
Never judge something by its looks.

It’s raining.
It’s my job.
I think it’s OK.
It’s now my turn.
It’s my favorite song.
It’s time to go to bed.

History repeats itself.
The cat is licking itself.
This door locks by itself.
The problem resolved itself.

Call them.
All of them went there.
I don’t like any of them.
I asked them to fix my car.

The ship is theirs.
This decision is theirs.
It’s a favorite game of theirs.

Let them do it themselves.
They quarreled among themselves.
They clean their house themselves.
They don’t want to do it themselves.

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