99 English Sentences For Daily Use

99 English Sentences For Daily Use: Can’t speak English despite trying hard? Then try this way. I hope you will learn to speak English quickly. Because we teach English in a very simple way. So that anyone can learn. Today I will teach you 99 English sentences to say at home every day. By practicing these, you will learn to speak English very quickly.

1Move aside.
2I am sick.
3A little longer.
4Don’t do anything.
5Don’t be late.
6Do you feel better?
7Get out.
8Can you help me?
9I don’t care.
10Wait outside.
11That is necessary.
12I want to work.
13I want a glass of water.
14Stand up.
15Take it easy.
16This is great.
17Let me know.
18Wait inside.
19Don’t be angry.
20Talk with me.
21Say something.
22Take it.
23Are you there?
24I can’t.
25All right.
26It is stupidity.
27I think so.
28I am really grateful to you.
29Don’t talk rubbish.
30Sit down.
31Nice talking to you.
32At least.
33I feel sorry for you.

English Sentences Used in Daily Life

99 English Sentences For Daily Use

34Don’t touch me.
35I don’t think so.
36I want to say something.
37Stop it.
38Stop over think.
39I know.
40I want to eat something.
41Shut up and listen.
42Call him.
43I don’t know.
44I know him.
45I can’t remember.
46Walk ahead.
47You are wrong.
48Let’s run away.
49Stay calm.
50You are right.
51Don’t try to teach me.
52Yes, I want it.
53Wait for me.
54Don’t be afraid.
55Take it easy.
56No, I don’t want this.
57Help me.
58I am sorry.
59Do you need anything?
60Don’t get up.
61That way, please.
62Follow me.
63Don’t say a single word.
64It is empty.
65Look who is here.
66Good luck.

Daily Use English Sentences

99 English Sentences For Daily Use

67Keep working.
68Wait here.
69I need you.
70He is handsome.
71Don’t go out.
72It is full.
73Over there.
74Most of them.
75I am playing.
76You are hurting me.
77Maybe maybe not.
78See you tomorrow.
79Give me the pen.
80Thanks a lot.
81Come in.
82Who cares.
83One minute, please.
84Good job.
85You are kind.
86Keep faith in me.
87Nothing required.
88Don’t be shy.
89I was looking for this.
90I can wait.
91Don’t sit.
92Over here.
93I can’t do this.
94How is she?
95Don’t be upset.
96I am busy.
97This is it.
98I can’t wait.
99You are beautiful.
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