Daily use English words
Daily Use Smart English Words:
Actually | I actually saw a ghost. |
Again | Do it again. |
Ahead | Please go ahead. |
Almost | I’m almost finished. |
Already | I already did that. |
Altogether | The noise has altogether stopped. |
Altogether | This is altogether different. |
Anymore | Don’t call me anymore. |
Anyway | I’ll do it anyway. |
Approximately | The bridge is approximately one mile long. |
Automatically | The door locks automatically. |
Automatically | The doors open and close automatically. |
Basically | Basically, I agree with your opinion. |
Below | Please read the text below. |
Briefly | State your case briefly. |
Certainly | I certainly don’t blame you. |
Closely | Look at it closely. |
Constantly | She watches TV constantly. |
Currently | She is currently in danger. |
Deeply | Don’t sleep too deeply. |
Deeply | Her lies hurt my father deeply. |
Deliberately | I didn’t do it deliberately. |
Directly | Can I talk to you directly? |
Easily | I don’t cry easily. |
Effectively | Candidates must be able to communicate effectively. |
Else | I need something else. |
Elsewhere | She went shopping elsewhere. |
Equally | You have to share the cake equally. |
Especially | I especially like rock music. |
Eventually | I’ll find out eventually. |
English words for beginners
Daily Use Smart English Words:
Ever | I’m as busy as ever. |
Exactly | I don’t know exactly. |
Extremely | I’m extremely tired. |
Finally | I finally got a job. |
Fortunately | Fortunately, no passengers were injured. |
Fully | I fully support your proposal. |
Generally | I generally agree with her. |
Gently | Do it gently. |
Greatly | I am greatly impressed. |
Hardly | I hardly watch TV. |
Highly | I recommend it highly. |
Honestly | I honestly don’t know. |
Hopefully | Hopefully the weather will be just like today. |
However | However, I am not a specialist. |
Immediately | I wrote him immediately. |
Initially | It was much worse than we initially thought. |
Literally | I didn’t mean that literally. |
Mainly | My success was mainly due to your help. |
Merely | It’s merely a joke. |
More or less | I’ve more or less finished reading the book. |
Necessarily | You don’t necessarily have to go there. |
Normally | I don’t normally lie. |
Obviously | Obviously want to help. |
Often | He often helps others. |
Originally | I’m originally from Australia. |
Perfectly | I’m perfectly fine. |
Personally | Do you know him personally? |
Physically | She is young and physically fit. |
Primarily | Baseball is primarily a summer game. |
Probably | I should probably go. |
Spoken English Words
Daily Use Smart English Words:
Properly | Let’s do this properly. |
Quickly | Come here quickly. |
Rarely | I very rarely eat meat. |
Rather | I’d rather go home. |
Readily | Jack readily agreed to help. |
Really | I really like it. |
Recently | I went there recently. |
Regularly | You have to eat regularly. |
Relatively | She speaks relatively fast. |
Roughly | He drives roughly. |
Seriously | I take my job seriously. |
Similarly | The two boys dress similarly. |
Slightly | I’m slightly busy. |
Slowly | I have to walk slowly. |
So that | I move aside so that she might come in. |
Somewhat | He was somewhat excited. |
Soon | It’ll rain soon. |
Specifically | She mentioned you specifically. |
Strongly | I strongly advise you to use this. |
Successfully | He successfully passed the exam. |
Suddenly | Her eyes suddenly filled with tears. |
Suddenly | I suddenly feel sick. |
Terribly | He’s a terribly naughty child. |
Therefore | I was ill, and therefore could not come. |
Thus | Fold the sheets thus. |
Totally | I totally forgot. |
Twice | I checked it twice. |
Ultimately | Who is ultimately responsible for this? |
Widely | She is widely known. |