What is a noun with example – Basic English Grammar

What is a noun with example – Basic English Grammar

In order to find out more about ‘What is a noun with example’ you must read this post:

This post is all about What is a noun with example information but also try to cover the following subject:
Basic English Grammar
-Types of Noun
-What is Proper Noun?
– What is Common Noun?
– What is Collective Noun?
– What is Material Noun?
– What is Abstract Noun?

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A Noun is a naming word. – P. C. Das
A Noun is a word used for giving a name to some person or thing. – J. C. Nesfield

For example:
John is a good boy.
Here ‘John’ is the name of a special person. ‘Boy’ is the name of a special class of people. So ‘John’ and ‘boy’ are both Nouns

Man is mortal.
Cow gives us milk.
The dog is faithful animal.
The table is made of wood.
The ring is made of gold.
John is the best boy in the class.
This is a cricket club.
Milk is white.
Coal is black.
Iron is useful.

Place – Delhi, Dhaka
Plants – Coconut tree, Mango tree
Things – Mobile, Book, Computer
Professions – Doctor, teacher
People – John, Roji
Animal, Birds – Dog, Crow
Countries – Bangladesh, India, Brazil
These are all Examples of ‘Nouns’.

Parts Of Speech

The words that make up a sentence are called Parts Of Speech.

There are eight types of Parts Of Speech –
01. Noun
02. Pronoun
03. Adjective
04. Verb
05. Adverb
06. Preposition
07. Conjunction
08. Interjection

Today we will discuss about ‘Noun’.

What is a noun with example – Basic English Grammar 02

Types of Noun

A noun is a word that means the name of something, such as – person, object, race, class, place, time, condition, quality, fault, etc.

In a word – the word that means the name of something is called Noun.
For example –

Different types of Noun:
The noun is divided into five parts.
01. Proper Noun
02. Common Noun
03. Collective Noun
04. Material Noun
05. Abstract Noun

What is Proper Noun?

‘Proper Noun’ is a noun which refers to the name of a specific person, object, place, animal, day, month etc.

For example –
Ram is a brave boy.
Akbar was a wise king.
Merry is a poor girl.
Kolkata is a famous city.
India is a vast country.
December has thirty-one days.

The Gita, The Statesman, India, England etc.

What is Common Noun?

A common noun is a noun that means a common ethnic name without referring to any person or object.

For example –
Akbar was a wise king.
Merry is a poor girl.
India is a vast country.
Ram is a brave boy.

Man – it doesn’t mean one person here, it means all people.
Book – do not refer to any particular book, refer to every book.
King – Which refers to all kings.

Father, brother, son, boy, Husband, woman, mother, sister, daughter, wife etc.

What is Collective Noun?

A Noun which refers to a group of many persons or objects is called a Collective Noun.

For example –
This is an Army.
Army – It means a team, not a soldier.
Team – it means the whole team, not just one player

Family, class, crowd, jury, navy etc.

What is Material Noun?

The material with which a thing is made is called Material Noun.

For example
Milk is white.
Coal is black.
This is a ring of Gold.
Silver is a bright metal.
The table is made of wood.
The ring is made of gold.

Wood, Iron, Gold, Oil, Water etc.

What is Abstract Noun?

An abstract noun is a noun that expresses the name of some quality, idea or condition of a person or object.

For example –
Beauty, Kindness, Wisdom, Health, Love, Joy, Courage, Cruelty, Sorrow, Wealth etc.
He is kind man.
Honesty is the best policy.
Walking is a good exercise.

Action – Revenge, Movement, Flight
Quality – Wisdom, Goodness, Kindness
State – Youth, Childhood, Sickness, Death

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